Board of Directors Meeting
February 6, 2016
- Candidate 1: Kristine Presentation – 9:00.
- Call to order – Determine Quorum and welcome members – 9:15 – Sue Ellen Smith, Allen Frazier, Pauline Peele, Michael Hamman, Steve LaPlant, Nicole Bowler, Sean Karlin, Richard Laufman and Tori Freeman. Jill Fox observing.
- Approval of Meeting Minutes: From January 2, 2015 – 9:15
- Board Member Check-in: (10 minutes or less) – 9:17
- Chair’s Report: by Sue Ellen Smith – 9:27
Discussion about proposed counter statement to Build Inc., opposing the much higher buildings and increased unit numbers. There may be a March 4th meeting with Build Inc. We will hold off on sending a letter or statement until Build has presented.
- Treasurer’s Report: by Allen Frazier. 10:07
Secretary’s Report: by Sean Karlin. – 10:09
- Correspondence
- i. Thank you letters:
- White Cap letter. Mr. Landa (White Cap) was upset by being singled out. But, reports are that Jennings traffic is much better post letter.
iii. Invitation Letters…
- Other Reports:
- Update on the Eastern Waterfront Neighbors – any update? 10:14 – No meeting this month
- Update on Build Inc. / India Basin – Sue Ellen
- Old / On-going Business:
- Planning for AGM – 10:14
Tori and Nicole created post cards. Tori is doing outreach for food & beer.
Tori will ask John Stewart to sponsor a number of low-income memberships. Steve moved, Richard 2nd. In favor: Sue Ellen Smith, Allen Frazier, Pauline Peele, Michael Hamman, Steve LaPlant, Nicole Bowler, Richard Laufman, Tori Freeman. One abstention: Sean Karlin.
- New Business:
- Revision of IBNA Bylaws – Sean, Michael, Pauline – 10:27. Pauline motioned, Richard 2nd to postpone the ByLaws.
- Planning for Egg Hunt – Saturday, March 26th – 10:30 – Nicole is taking the lead on the egg hunt.
- Adjournment. (10:35 AM)
Guest Speakers: Board Member Candidates (15 min. each maximum)
Kristine Enea
Ellsworth Jennison –
Kelly Lawson – (Withdrawn)
Monica Padilla-Stemmelen
Michael Hamman
Tori Freeman
Sue Ellen Smith