Board of Directors Meeting
April 07, 2012
9:40AM Meeting Called to order: No Quorum Present.
Members Present: Michael Hamman, Richard Laufman, Kathryn Altamore, & Sue Ellen Smith.
Members Absent: Jill Fox, Brian Stott, Pauline Peele, & Robert Van Houten. (JF, BS, & PP assisting in Egg Hunt preparations.)
9:41AM Approval of Meeting Minutes: No Quorum; no approval of minutes from February 04, 2012.
9:42AM Chairman’s Report:
a. Unfinished Egg Hunt details: MH clarified that all “egg donations” are general funding, per Board decision last year. MH reiterated motion; all agree. SES to send e-mail to RVH re correct acctg for gen donation.
b. Consider Steve LaPlante for Board membership: for May mtg.
9:45AM Treasurer’s Report:
RVH submitted report via e-mail.
9:46AM Secretary’s Report:
a. Correspondence: TY ltrs went to Meiswinkel; Doherty re business sponsorships.
9:48AM Other Reports:
a. Update on Membership: MH suggests doing a postcard mailing to increase membership, but members decide to focus instead on each Board member making two calls per month to lapsed members, urging renewal.
9:50AM Old Business:
a. Ongoing effort to increase membership/Reach out to other associations:
- Hillside village – SES has contact & will reach out to her.
- Mariners village – MH will ask Steve LaPlante.
- Condo’s on Innes – need to find a contact there.
b. Call old members to encourage them to renew: As discussed, each Board member will call lapsed members and urge them to renew membership, and to sign up on Yahoo Group. Re Yahoo Group, KA volunteers to take over duties of maintaining list. SES to work w/ KA to get list in shape and draw up guidelines for maintaining list. KA to share membership duties w/ BS re Yahoo Group.
9:52AM New Business: none.
9:53AM Future Agendas.
a. Guests in May: Andrea Bruss, Sup. Cohen’s aide & Barbara Ockel, Bayview Opera House.
b. Guests in June: America’s True; Recology.
10:00AM Adjournment.