Board of Directors Meeting
March 5, 2016
- Call to order – Determine Quorum and welcome members – 3:00 p.m.
- Approval of Meeting Minutes: From February 6, 2015 (via email) – 3:05
- Board Member Discussion: 3:15
Discuss about voting eligibility.
Board voted to accept anyone who lives or works in India basin, and fills out the correct paperwork can become a voting member of IBNA. No proof or identification is needed until we change our by-laws.
In favor: Steve LaPlant, Michael Hamman, Nicole Bowler, Pauline Peele, Tori Freeman, Richard Laufman
Against: Sean Karlin
Abstain: Sue Ellen Smith
- Set-Up: by Board – 3:45
- Treasurer’s Report: submitted via email; no action
- Greeting by Chair; re-cap of IBNA achievements: (5 minutes) – 5:05
- Introduction of Board Candidates: (2 minutes each) – 5:15
Kristine Enea
Tori Freeman
Ellsworth Jennison
Michael Hamman
Monica Padilla-Stemmelen
Sue Ellen Smith
- Mingle by Board Candidates – 5:30
- VOTE. – 5:30
- Vote Count – 6:00
2016 Elected Board Members:Monica Padilla-Stemmelen (1), Sue Ellen Smith (2), Tori Freeman (3),