Board of Directors Meeting
January 11, 2014
- Call to order – Determine Quorum and welcome members
- Approval of Meeting Minutes: From December 07, 2013
- Chairman’s Report: by Michael Hamman.
- Update Hudson & Griffith Streets Opening
- Meeting next month at the Shipyard CAC
- Treasurer’s Report: by Michael Cocagne.
- Secretary’s Report: by Sue Ellen Smith.
- Correspondence
- Other Reports:
- Update on Membership by Brian
- Legal Status of the Association (Sue Ellen & Allen)
- Old Business:
- Discussion of Board policy regarding candidate endorsements.
- Final preparations for the AGM
- Agenda for meeting
- Sean’s Video
- Sale of T-Shirts or other items
- New Business:
- Discussion and possible action to establish membership categories.
- Discussio Selection of IBNA “wish list” of transportation improvements
- Future Agendas.
- Adjournment. (10:45 AM)
- Guests: (11:00 AM)
- Former Mayor Art Agnos